TEAS Science Test Practice

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an essential consideration for aspiring nursing students, with its science section playing a pivotal role in assessing candidates’ knowledge in fundamental scientific principles. This section tests understanding in areas such as biology, chemistry, physics, and the scientific method. Adequate preparation is crucial for success, as the science portion of the TEAS can significantly influence overall scores and, consequently, admission into nursing programs.

TEAS-Science Practice Test

1 / 49

The addition of a catalyst to a chemical reaction will have what effect?

2 / 49

The pharynx is part of what body system?

3 / 49

Which of the following is true about eukaryotic cells?

4 / 49

What characteristic of an element determines its specific isotope?

5 / 49

In plants, ________ involves the formation of a _____?

6 / 49

Which taxonomic rank is the next-smallest after Order?

7 / 49

In a cell, the Golgi apparatus is found in what location?

8 / 49

Which of the following scenarios would NOT give a normal distribution?

9 / 49

What is NOT true about RNA?

10 / 49

Which of the following is the atomic mass of an atom containing 42 protons, 42 electrons, and 37 neutrons?

11 / 49

The stomach is _____ to the small intestine.


Which of the following correctly completes the sentence above?

12 / 49

Which is NOT one of the four basic types of tissue?

13 / 49

Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is the closest to space?

14 / 49

Which base is NOT found in DNA?

15 / 49

If you have 200 mL of a 60% sodium chloride solution, how much NaCl is dissolved in the solution?

16 / 49

If the amount of hydrogen in a balloon of fixed size is doubled, what happens to the mass and density of the balloon?

17 / 49

Of the following, which is not a type of chemical bond?

18 / 49


What process is illustrated in the diagram above?

19 / 49

A patient who has suffered head trauma is not able to recognize people he has met around an hour earlier but is still able to recognize people he met before the injury. He most likely has damage to the:

20 / 49

What type of cells result from mitosis?

21 / 49


What type of correlation is presented between price and quality?

22 / 49

A scientist wants to write an equation using the variables X, Y, and Z. What is the proper relationship between the variables if X represents time, Y represents energy, and Z represents power?

23 / 49


The graph above records the death rate of two types of male flies a certain number of days after a chemical pesticide is sprayed. What is the probability a male methuselah fly will be alive 75 days after exposure to the pesticide?

24 / 49

How many carbon dioxide molecules are required to balance the following reaction:

4C6H12O6 + 24O2 → __CO2 + 24H2O + Energy

25 / 49


Which of the following terms do these diagrams NOT portray?

26 / 49

Which of the following hormones are secreted directly by the hypothalamus?

27 / 49

In which part of the heart does oxygenated blood flow out of?

28 / 49

The presence of which hormone would NOT cause an increase in water retention?

29 / 49

Cheetahs, rainbow trout, and inchworms belong to the same

30 / 49

Which train described below would have the greatest momentum?

31 / 49

In a vacuum, why doesn’t an elephant accelerate faster than a penny as it falls to the ground?

32 / 49

Which organ system is primarily responsible for regulating metabolism, mood, and growth?

33 / 49

In a lab experiment designed to test the rate at which plants grow under artificial light, the kind of light used is which type of variable?

34 / 49

Why does the human eye perceive a red colored dress as the color red?

35 / 49

A scientist found that when an invasive species was introduced into a river, the population of salmon native to the region decreased. The type of correlation between these two populations could best be described as

36 / 49

Which of the following statements is true regarding trophic levels?

37 / 49

Which of the following subatomic particles are found inside of an atom’s nucleus?

38 / 49

What type of bond between the complementary bases of DNA stabilizes the double helix structure?

39 / 49


What would this diagram be useful for?

40 / 49


Which statement can be inferred about amphibians?

41 / 49


Which of the following is true about the frog?

42 / 49

During photosynthesis, which two compounds are combined to create the output of glucose and oxygen?

43 / 49

During photosynthesis, which two compounds are combined to create the output of glucose and oxygen?

44 / 49

Which of the following is a characteristic of the autonomic nervous system?

45 / 49

Which of the following is a possible cause of herniation of discs?

46 / 49

Which of the following is an example of deductive reasoning?

47 / 49

The spleen functions are part of the _____ system.


Which of the following completes the sentence above?

48 / 49

The square above is based on the eye color of two parents, one of whom has brown eyes and carries the recessive gene for green eyes (a). What is the probability that a biological child of these parents will have brown eyes?

49 / 49

An unknown element is found to contain 45 protons and an atomic mass of 64, what is its atomic number?

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Considerate the TEAS Science Test Structure

The TEAS Science test consists of 53 questions, covering a range of topics that include life sciences, physical sciences, and scientific reasoning. The breakdown typically includes:

  1. Biology (approximately 30% of questions): This section covers cellular biology, anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. Understanding the structure and function of cells, the human body systems, and the basics of genetics is vital.
  2. Chemistry (approximately 23% of questions): Questions in this area often focus on chemical reactions, properties of matter, and basic concepts of organic and inorganic chemistry. A solid grasp of the periodic table, chemical bonds, and stoichiometry is essential.
  3. Physics (approximately 23% of questions): This part examines fundamental principles of physics, including motion, force, energy, and basic concepts of electricity and magnetism. Candidates should understand Newton’s laws, thermodynamics, and the basics of waves.
  4. Scientific Reasoning (approximately 24% of questions): This section assesses the ability to analyze scientific information and apply it to real-world scenarios. Critical thinking and the ability to interpret data from experiments and studies are crucial here.

Effective Study Approaches

To excel in the TEAS Science unit, a designed and strategic study plan is essential. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Comprehensive Review of Content: Begin by reviewing core concepts in each subject area. Utilize textbooks, online resources, and study guides that are specifically designed for the TEAS exam. Focus on understanding rather than memorization; knowing how concepts interconnect will greatly aid retention.
  2. Practice Questions: Engage with practice questions that mimic the style and format of the TEAS Science test. This will familiarize you with the types of questions you might encounter and help you develop effective test-taking strategies. Time yourself to simulate actual testing conditions, which can also help with time management.
  3. Use Flashcards: Flashcards can be an effective tool for memorizing important terms, definitions, and processes. Create flashcards for key vocabulary and scientific principles, and regularly review them to reinforce your memory.
  4. Group Study Sessions: Consider studying with peers or forming study groups. Explaining concepts to others can reinforce your understanding, and your peers may offer insights that enhance your knowledge. Discussing challenging topics together can also make learning more engaging.
  5. Seek Online Resources and Tutorials: There are numerous online platforms that offer free and paid resources for TEAS preparation. Websites, video tutorials, and interactive quizzes can provide additional perspectives and explanations that can aid in understanding complex topics.
  6. Focus on Scientific Method and Data Interpretation: The scientific method is fundamental in all scientific disciplines. Ensure you understand the steps of hypothesis formulation, experimentation, observation, and conclusion. Additionally, practice interpreting data from graphs, tables, and charts, as these skills are often tested.
  7. Take Care of Your Well-Being: Adequate rest, nutrition, and mental well-being play significant roles in effective studying. Ensure you take breaks during study sessions, get enough sleep, and maintain a balanced diet. A healthy mind and body can enhance your focus and retention.

Practice Tests and Self-Assessment

Taking full-length practice tests can be one of the most effective ways to prepare. They not only help you gauge your knowledge but also familiarize you with the exam’s timing and pressure. After completing a practice test, review your answers carefully. Analyze any mistakes to understand where your weaknesses lie, and revisit those topics in your study materials.


Success in the TEAS Science test requires a thorough understanding of fundamental scientific principles, effective study strategies, and consistent practice. By engaging with content deeply, utilizing varied study methods, and focusing on the application of knowledge, you can enhance your chances of performing well. This preparation not only sets the foundation for passing the TEAS but also equips you with the necessary scientific knowledge essential for your future career in nursing. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can approach the TEAS Science test with confidence and achieve your academic goals.

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