HESI Physics Practice Test

The HESI Physics practice test is very important for nursing students as they prepare for licensure examinations and their future careers in healthcare. Physics, the study of matter and energy and their interactions plays a vital role in understanding the principles that this subject defines deeply.

HESI PHYSICS- Practice Test

1 / 25

Two point-like charges carrying charges of + 0.5 μC and – 0.4 μC are 2 m apart. Determine the magnitude of the force between them.


2 / 25

A toy rocket is launched with an initial speed of 48 m/s at an angle of 50°. How far does the projectile travel horizontally after 42 seconds?


3 / 25

The average speed of a motorcycle is 59 m/s. How far does the motorcycle travel in 2 min?


4 / 25

Suppose the final velocity of a motorcycle is 26 m/s east, and it has an average velocity of 76 m/s east. What is the initial velocity of the motorcycle? Assume that the east direction is the positive direction of motion.

5 / 25

A car drives in a circle in a radius of 145 m and travels 678 m. What is the angular displacement of the car?


6 / 25

An object accelerates 62 m/s2 after being acted upon by two opposing forces of magnitudes 120 N to the left and 432 N to the right. What is the mass of the object?

7 / 25

An ice skater, who has a mass of 70 kg has 1500 J of Kinetic Energy. What is the velocity of the skater?


8 / 25

What would be the frequency of a string wave if it travels at a speed of 67 m/s and has a wavelength of 7.2 meters?


9 / 25

Two people are pushing a box on the ground. One person applies a force of 146.5 N to the left, whereas the second person applies a force of 90.6 N to the right. What is the net force on the box, and in which direction is it moving? (Ignore the effects of friction)

10 / 25

A car of 900 kg mass is driven around a circular race track of 600 m radius at a constant velocity of 220 km/h. What is the centripetal force acting on the car?

11 / 25

A cyclist weighs 60 kg, and her bicycle weighs 6.8 kg. What is the momentum of the cyclist when riding her bike at 4 m/s southward?

12 / 25

A basket of oranges sits on a table. The basket has 58.6 J of gravitational Potential Energy and the table is 1.25 m high. What is the mass of the basket?

13 / 25

A car moving at 45 m/s accelerates uniformly to a speed of 117 m/s in 12 minutes. What is the acceleration of the car?

14 / 25

A 5 kg ball rolls down a hill at a velocity of 1.5 m/s. By the time it reaches the bottom of the hill, it is traveling with a velocity of 2 m/s. What is the change in the ball’s momentum?

15 / 25

A refrigerator weighs 1300 N. What is its mass?

16 / 25

A box of mass 72 kg is moving across an uneven surface. If the frictional force experienced by the block is 565 N, what is the coefficient of friction between the box and the surface?

17 / 25

An object dropped from a balloon reaches the ground in 80 seconds. At what height was the balloon at the moment the object was dropped?

18 / 25

What is the general rule for magnetic charges?

19 / 25

Two objects are placed 75 m apart. If the two objects have masses of 3.6 kg and 3.5 kg, what is the force of attraction between the objects?

20 / 25

A fan rotates at a speed of 450 revolutions per second for 5 minutes but then has its speed setting turned down to 240 revolutions per second until 5.5 minutes. What is the angular acceleration of the fan in the period between 5 minutes and 5.5 minutes?

21 / 25

What is the image height of a 6 cm tall box that is placed 1.5 cm away from a convex mirror that has an image distance of 4.5 cm?

22 / 25

A 2.4 Volt beard trimmer has a 12 Ohm resistance. What current flows through the trimmer?

23 / 25

If the speed of light is 2.0 x 108 m/s in glass, what is the index of refraction for glass?

24 / 25

A ball rolls at 0.86 m/s and decelerates at a uniform rate of 0.43 m/s2. How long will it take for the ball to come to rest?

25 / 25

Which of the following describes convex lenses?

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. A solid foundation in physics is essential for nurses, as it aids in making informed clinical decisions and applying scientific principles to patient care.

What role the physics play in HESI Practice Test?

Physics is integral to nursing education for several reasons. Firstly, many medical technologies, such as X-rays, MRI, and ultrasound, rely on dominant physics ideologies. Empathetic how these technologies work permits nurses to work them safely and effectively, as well as to educate patients about the procedures. Nurses must also grasp the physical principles behind various therapies, including the use of heat, light, and sound in medical treatments. Therefore, mastering physics concepts is not merely an academic exercise but a critical component of nursing practice.

Structure of the HESI Physics Practice Test

  • Mechanics: Fundamental principles such as motion, force, energy, and momentum.
  • Fluid Dynamics: Understanding the behavior of liquids and gases, including pressure and buoyancy.
  • Thermodynamics: Concepts related to heat transfer, temperature, and the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Waves and Sound: Properties of waves, sound propagation, and their relevance in medical imaging.
  • Electricity and Magnetism: Basic principles governing electric circuits, magnetism, and their applications in medical devices.

Benefits of Using the HESI Physics Practice Test

  1. Self-Assessment: The HESI Physics practice test serves as a valuable self-assessment tool. By evaluating their performance, students can identify strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus their study efforts more effectively. This targeted approach enhances the overall efficiency of their preparation.
  2. Familiarity with Exam Format: Engaging with practice tests helps students become accustomed to the structure and timing of the HESI exam. This familiarity can significantly reduce anxiety and improve performance, as students feel more prepared and confident on exam day.
  3. Reinforcement of Key Concepts: Taking practice tests reinforces essential physics concepts. The act of recalling information in a test format strengthens memory retention, making it easier for students to apply their knowledge in both exams and clinical practice.
  4. Development of Critical Thinking Skills: Many questions in the HESI Physics practice test require students to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. This focus on critical thinking is vital for nursing, where clinical judgment and decision-making are paramount.
  5. Confidence Building: Completing practice tests can significantly boost students’ confidence. As they become more familiar with the material and the testing format, they are likely to approach the actual exam with a more positive mindset, leading to improved performance.

Strategies for Effective Use of the HESI Physics Practice Test

  • Consistent Practice: Regularly incorporating practice tests into a study routine can enhance retention and understanding of physics concepts. Consistency is key to long-term memory and skill development.
  • Thorough Review of Incorrect Answers: After completing a practice test, students should thoroughly review any mistakes. Understanding why a particular answer was incorrect can provide valuable insights and prevent similar errors in future assessments.
  • Supplementary Study Materials: Utilizing additional resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, and study groups, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Diverse study materials enhance overall learning.
  • Simulate Test Conditions: Taking practice tests under timed conditions can help students acclimate to the pressure of the actual exam. This practice fosters time management skills and reduces anxiety during the real test.


The HESI Physics practice test is an obligatory tool for nursing students looking to master the fundamental physics concepts essential for their future careers. By providing a structured approach to assessment and reinforcing key knowledge, these practice tests significantly enhance students’ preparedness for licensure examinations and clinical practice.

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